
The PNW is the coffee capital of of the US. Since I've been living here, I've worked with two very different coffee companies. Boomerang is a coffee/generosity shop in Vancouver, Washington where they belive "Generosity Returns." As a Generosity Shop, Boomerang operates as an upscale donation and retail center, creating a unique spin on charitable giving. They take quality donations, sell the items, and raise money for local worthy causes. My design for their house blend packaging with the retro-looking cupboard and vintage dishes refers to their mission.

Relevant Coffee, also in Vancouver, is branded very differently from Boomerang. Relevant has a more current vibe and hip style. I designed a splash page placeholder for when their website was being updated. They asked me to design a set of home brewing cards that explain how to brew coffee six different ways - at home. The cards are available in the store. Relevant has a wonderful palette and branding that has a wide range of possibilities including this coffee truck.